It's also good for you to look through your friends list from time to time to be sure that just your 'friends' have access to it. Many of these friends just happen to be hackers keen on gaining access to a user's private information The approval of such an invite will help hackers acquire your personal information. Having tons of friends on Facebook happens to be a serious fad, but people that follow this trend barely know half the people on their friend's list. To start with, just add friends you actually know. To avoid getting hacked: ONLY add people you know It is hence necessary for you to follow a few hack prevention strategies to keep your account safe. You should also keep in mind the simple fact that your user profile is readily accessible by your friends, plus their friends too.

Online hackers who are knowledgeable about Facebook only need to make a few clicks in order to access any of the countless accounts on the site these days. The fact of the matter is that the site encourages its 750 million active users to put their private information on the internet. Keeping your Facebook account safe and secure holds a lot of importance these days. We believe, knowing how something works is the best way to protect against it - therefore we dedicate it to teaching everyone about the dark side of Facebook hacking.

On this site, we'll do out best to discuss relevant Facebook hacking techniques and how to protect against them.